Missions are the best! That is what I tell every sister who is thinking about serving! But they are also going to probably be one of the hardest things you will ever do.....ever! There is so much that goes into making a mission wonderful! And they are a pretty big deal! You're leaving everything behind for 18 months, and focusing 100% on the absolutely most important thing in the world. And I hate to break it to you, but you just can't fully prepare for it. At least not spiritually and emotionally. Every mission is individual and unique. And you will most likely come home saying that your mission is the best mission in the world. Cause how can you not love the place that taught you so much about yourself? And life? And loving other people? Missions are just the best!
Before and after I got my call, I remember reading everything I could get my hands on about preparing to serve! I read blogs and books galore. I read advice and funny stories. I was just SO excited! A lot of the information was very helpful, and I'm grateful that there are now even more resources available to sisters getting ready to leave.
So this list of things is really just a compilation of the things I wish I'd known, and the things I read from other sources that I am so grateful I did know. Things that will help you to be prepared temporally and physically. There are a lot of other good lists out there. This is one of my favorites Bella in Berlin. Her advice actually helped me out a lot, so if you haven't read her blog yet, take a look!
So here we go:
Luggage with 4 wheels- One of the best investments I made. When you are in the airport by yourself, with 3 heavy bags, you do not want to be stuck with bags that can't stand up by themselves. Give your arms a break! You'll thank me later :)
A thin, soft cozy blanket- So the blankets they give you in the MTC are scratchy, brown, and old. They are good for weight, but that's about it. I brought one of the lightweight, soft blankets from Costco and used it almost every single day of my mission. In Australia, the walls don't have much insulation if any, so I even used mine when I was studying in the mornings, and at night when we were planning. I made both my brother and sister each bring one too.
At least two USBs- One for pictures, both from your camera and from other missionaries, and one for music. All the cars in my mission had USB ports, so that's how we listened to music.
Waterproof bag- You might have some rainy days, or you might have some drink mishaps, or you might get mud splashed on it.....anyways, you just don't want a bag that will get stained, or that will let your stuff get wet. You will want to keep that stuff forever (scriptures and pmg especially), so do everything you can to protect them.
Calendar with Pictures- This was one of my favorite things I brought! I made mine on Shutterfly and it was so worth it. I just waited until they had a good sale, which happens pretty often. I also made calendars for both my brother and sister who are on missions right now. It is just fun to have tons of your favorite photos of your family, friends, temples, and the Savior. My companions loved looking at it too cause it gave them a little peek into my life!
Mints- The kind that actually make your breath smell good. Tic tacs didn't work too well for me cause the packages would always open and spill all over in my bag, plus they're more sweet than minty. I would suggest the white, lifesaver ones! You'll probably eat them about 5 times a day...or more.
Hand Sanitizer- This was a HUGE one for me! I didn't get sick very often on my mission and I mainly attribute that to the fact that I literally used hand sanitizer about 50x a day. Before my mission Bath and Body Works used to do this 5 for 5 deal. So I brought 5 and that lasted me for the majority of my mission. Bonus: They smell really good! My companions were grateful I had them too!
Blister Bandaids- These saved me! Breaking in shoes can be a little rough, especially when your feet aren't used to walking all day. My first transfer I literally had about 4 bandaids on each foot, even though I had good shoes.
Lotion- Again, Bath and Body Works helped me out here. Your skin will get dry, and you will stink. Having smell-good lotion was a really great way to freshen up during the middle of the day. Always kept a little bottle in my bag, and again, my companions were grateful!
Signing Journal- Not sure how much they do this in other missions...and they actually almost got banned from mine, but these were journals that you just passed around to companions and other missionaries and they would write nice little notes, put in pictures, and write down contact info. Mine didn't have good binding, so it is totally falling apart now. I would recommend spiral bound because these journals get pretty full.
Personal Hygiene- Find a sister that served in your mission, and ask her if they have the basic stuff like deodorant, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products. In Australia they only had spray on deodorant, which I wasn't too eager to try. So I had my mom send me some of the good old American stuff for Christmas. My sister is headed to Macedonia, and apparently they don't have normal toothpaste, so she brought an 18-month supply. If there is stuff that you are used to, just try to find out about it and then decided if you can do without it.
Dry shampoo- Okay so you can't really pack lots of this...just enough for the MTC since you can't take aerosol cans on an airplane. But, you will not want to wash your hair every day! And you won't have time to! Totally worth the investment.
Sheet music- If you sing or play the piano, bring some music! I brought a little paperback book of hymn arrangements, and served in a branch where I became the designated piano player. The members loved that I could play prelude music. I also used it a lot for baptisms.
Nail polish- I know this isn't a priority, but having painted nails has just always helped me to feel more professional. Especially when you are shaking hands with people all day every day! The dress standards recommend light pink, natural shades, and those are the best because it isn't as obvious when they chip.
Photos- Take tons of pictures the entire time you are on your mission. They are worth 1000 words and will take you back to those people and places faster than anything else. Yeah, don't look like a tourist...become a photo ninja! I made an online scrapbook right after I got home, and it is one of my most prized possessions! Remember, your mission is a once in a lifetime experience!
Sticky Notes- You will use them for everything. If you are like me, then your planner will be full of them because they just don't give you enough room to write out all of your lesson plans. And if you write the plans on sticky notes, then if you don't get a chance to teach that lesson that week, then you can just move the sticky note to the next week without having to rewrite the plan! Major time saver! Also, keep a sticky note at the back of your planner where you can write down key words to remind yourself of experiences that you had throughout the week. That way you won't waste any of your precious email time trying to remember what you wanted to share with your family. It's pretty frustrating when you walk away and remember something you had been excited to share or needing to ask, only to realize that you have to wait a whole week.....
Scriptures and Preach My Gospel- I brought a mini quad, and a mini PMG. So grateful I did because then I could fit them both in my bag and carry them around everywhere. Also, it was really nice to have a new set of scriptures because now they are full with all the insights I gained on my mission! And don't be afraid to write dates next to specific scriptures when you have really powerful impressions. That way your scriptures kind of become a journal too.
Microfiber towel- Not essential, but I loved it because it dried quickly and weighed hardly anything. And if you're anything like me, less weight for a towel means I can pack an extra shirt....or two. I know they sell them at Deseret Book, but you might be able to find them online for cheaper. Not a bad idea to bring a few of your own wash cloths too. You never know where the ones in the flats have been....
Microfiber towel- Not essential, but I loved it because it dried quickly and weighed hardly anything. And if you're anything like me, less weight for a towel means I can pack an extra shirt....or two. I know they sell them at Deseret Book, but you might be able to find them online for cheaper. Not a bad idea to bring a few of your own wash cloths too. You never know where the ones in the flats have been....
Chapstick- Pretty self explanatory, but your lips will be dry. From talking....walking....and breathing. My favorite were the round EOS chapsticks. But find your favorite and bring enough to last you the whole time.
Needle and thread- Learn how to sew a hem and fix a button. Even your nice clothes will need help by the end.
Lists- Okay, by the end I had an entire list journal. It sounds weird, but I had companions who jumped on the list bandwagon and still thank me for it. I made lists of goals, dreams, favorite things, who I want to become, everything. When you're on a mission, there are times when you feel like it's just you and Heavenly Father and the Savior. You will become so close to them, and through the Spirit, they will help you to see yourself more clearly than you ever have. You will find yourself and realize what is really important to you. So make lists!
Colorful sticky tabs- So I don't know the official name for these, but hopefully you know what I'm talking about. I used a different color for each of the lessons that we teach, and used them to mark specific scriptures that I wanted to be able to find easily. I didn't do this until the last couple of transfers because I was stubborn and wanted to memorize where the verses were...but that's impossible. Be more humble than I was and use the tools you are given! It will make your life easier and you will be way more effective as a missionary.
Waterproof pens- Use these for anything that you want to still have in 10 years. A lot of my stuff is already fading...or has been smeared. Get black and colorful pens!
Quotes- Write down your favorite quotes from apostles and prophets. You will use them in talks, family home evening lessons, and they will just be good reminders for yourself.
Analogies and object lessons- Brush up on your analogies and object lessons. Pinterest is probably a good place to start. They will be so useful in lessons, especially with members, less-actives, and recent converts. They just help them to apply better what they are learning.
Just a few other little tidbits:
If they still run things the same way in the MTC, then you will have a few different options of things to watch on Sunday nights (I think)...like the Joseph Smith movie, Legacy, or the Testaments. But if they are still showing "The Character of Christ" by Elder Bednar, WATCH IT! It will change your life!
Decide now to write in your journal every day. That is how you will take your mission home with you. Even if the entries are short! Write down names, places, miracles, and especially spiritual experiences. Trust me. You think you'll remember, but you won't. I still have companions who ask me for details about different people or experiences because they know I took good notes! And make your journals interesting and colorful. Break it up into transfers if you need to, so that you can easily find specific things later.
Make writing to your family a priority. They love you. They miss you. And so they will listen to you. Obviously follow the mission rules and just write on p-days, but include spiritual experiences, tell them what you are doing, be honest and open! Don't preach! Just be genuine and loving. Both my sister and I were promised in different blessings before our missions that we would be able to have a greater effect on our younger siblings while we were serving than we would have if we had stayed home. The same is true for all of you! I had a companion whose parents started taking the discussions because of her letters. And another companion whose boyfriend got baptized, and they are getting married in the temple next week! Miracles happen back home because of our service. Letters are just another part of missionary work. Use them to strengthen and edify.
Learn a little about the 5 Love Languages and the 4 Color Personalities. Kind of a funny one, and totally not necessary but it helped me a lot. I was able to figure out the love language and color personality of each of my companions, and that helped me to know how I could best serve them and help them to feel love. It really strengthened my relationships with them, and if you and your companion are good, then it is way easier to have the Spirit with you.
While you are in the MTC, make a list of who you want to be by the end of your mission. I did this at the beginning, and kept the list in my journal. It was so cool to look back and to see what areas I had improved in, and what things I still needed to work on!
For each of your companions, make a list of 100 things that you love about them. Then give it to them at the end of your companionship. This was something my Branch President in the MTC recommended, and I have to admit that I wish I would've been better at it. But I had a couple of companions who did it, and that meant a lot to me! We all need a little extra encouragement out there. And it helped me to notice good things about myself. The couple of times I did it for companions, it helped me to look for and focus on the positive things that I loved about them.
Get clothes that are good quality! Not everything needs to be, but there are a few staples you will probably wear a few times a week...like a black skirt. If there are things that you think you will wear a lot, get them from good stores. My favorites were Downeast and Mikarose. Those clothes lasted my entire mission and were definitely worth the price. I know Mikarose even offers a discount for sisters preparing to serve. Your call just has to be assigned!
Keep in mind that most of the things you have used to cope with stress will not be options for the next 18 months. Facebook, Netflix, Pinterest, hanging out with friends, taking a nap, talking to my Mom, reading for fun, and all the other things I used to deal with stress prior to serving a mission were all the sudden not available to me anymore. That was a hard transition. Come up with a few things that will personally help you when the mission starts to gets stressful...because it will happen. Deep breathing, writing in a journal, reading the scriptures, and singing were all things that helped me a lot. But it would have been even more helpful if I had started using those things more before my mission.
Keep in mind that most of the things you have used to cope with stress will not be options for the next 18 months. Facebook, Netflix, Pinterest, hanging out with friends, taking a nap, talking to my Mom, reading for fun, and all the other things I used to deal with stress prior to serving a mission were all the sudden not available to me anymore. That was a hard transition. Come up with a few things that will personally help you when the mission starts to gets stressful...because it will happen. Deep breathing, writing in a journal, reading the scriptures, and singing were all things that helped me a lot. But it would have been even more helpful if I had started using those things more before my mission.
Decide now that you will be obedient! Even if your companion isn't. Even if other missionaries hate you because you are a stickler. Trust me. The Atonement is real. That is what will help you to do more than you thought possible. You will be blessed for being obedient even when you don't understand the purpose of the rules. And faith grows because of obedience. You will feel successful when you are obedient, even if you aren't having the outward success you would like.
The being said, also remember that you don't need to be a robot missionary. You have been blessed with specific talents and characteristics for a reason, and the Lord needs YOU in your specific mission. He doesn't need you to be exactly like your companion, He already has her. Figure out what your gifts are, and use them as the Spirit directs to help the Lord accomplish His work.
The being said, also remember that you don't need to be a robot missionary. You have been blessed with specific talents and characteristics for a reason, and the Lord needs YOU in your specific mission. He doesn't need you to be exactly like your companion, He already has her. Figure out what your gifts are, and use them as the Spirit directs to help the Lord accomplish His work.
Remember, it is all about love. Love your companion. Love the people. Love the Lord. Love the work. And LOVE yourself. Don't beat yourself up. Your capacity to show love to others is directly affected by the love you feel for yourself.
And just remember...missions are wonderful! And the spiritual preparation is the most important thing you can do! Read conference talks! Study PMG and your scriptures! The Spirit can only call things to your remembrance if they are already in your brain ready to be remembered. Learn how the Spirit speaks to you and how you receive personal revelation. Go to the temple as much as possible, It helps you understand the Plan of Salvation better, which is one of the things you'll be teaching the most. And you will hold onto those promises when times get tough. The temple is the Lord's university. Memorize hymns that you can sing when you're feeling down. Never underestimate the power of singing. Or smiling. Or chocolate.
All the experiences you have on your mission will work together for your good! Everything you experience will be preparing you for something greater! On my mission we were told by Elder Pearson, one of the area authorities, that we are being prepared to be the future leaders of the church. That is one of the main reasons they send us out. So when times get tough, just remember that you are learning divine characteristics and qualities that will help you through the rest of eternity. The Lord loves you. You are never alone (Isaiah 41:10,13).
Please comment and ask me any questions that you have! Or just email me if you want to talk through some premission jitters! abigailkrzy@gmail.com
Now go get 'em! I love you all! You got this!

Thanks for the advice!
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome!
DeleteWhere is the best place to buy good luggage?
ReplyDeleteI got mine from amazon.com, and it held up well. But I had time to wait for shipping. Both my brother and sister didn't have as long to wait, so they got their luggage from JCPenny and have loved them so far. They seem to be really good quality and weren't too expensive.